Real Estate
Residential Real Estate Transactions
Buying a home or any other type of real estate is not only an enormous expense—it is incredibly stressful. You need to protect yourself legally and financially. A qualified attorney can point out and help resolve issues before they turn into expensive problems.
Along the way to purchasing a piece of real estate, you will most likely enter into agreements and contracts. We can help ensure that their language is clear and precise, and protects your assets, interests, and rights. We can also help with any questions concerning titles, closing documents, short sales, loan modifications, deeds in lieu of foreclosure, and more. We are impartial and will offer you advice and guidance with only your interests in mind.
Proper preparation and execution of a deed conveying title to real estate is crucial to buying, selling, or conveying your house, vacant lot, or condominium. Whether the transfer is to be via Quit Claim deed, Warranty Deed, or Enhanced Life Estate Deed (often times known as a “Lady Bird Deed”), our office will guide you through the process of choosing what deed is right for you by understanding your goals and individual circumstances to ensure your interests are protected.